Friday, September 2, 2011


I have made some changes to the blog here. I have added click able links for the books I'm reading to the right. the books will no longer appear in 'my list'.

One other major change, so as not to confuse anyone.

The title includes the word "psychology" along with "Buddhist".

Properly, there are many forms of Buddhism, including what I consider many unreasonable beliefs. Many Buddhists who view their beliefs as a 'religion', also believe in an after-life, or reincarnation, are heavily into ritual practices, and strict about their diet, to name just a few.

I decidedly want to clarify. I have no first hand knowledge of many of those Buddhist precepts, especially those that are surrounded by 'supernatural' beliefs.

I do subscribe to a deeper understanding of the Eight fold path, and the ideas that we are very much responsible for our own mental health. Karma, is not an external phenomenon, but one in which the waves our current actions affect our future emotional health. Living many lives is not meant to be literal in biologically dying and reincarnating, rather its the birth-death-birth of the constantly created self. "Who are you?" has many answers that change over time. That cycle can occur whenever 'pain' and especially 'suffering' is present. We are re-born all the time, sometimes multiple times in a single hour.

The Adviata principles and Buddhist leanings that perception is the basis of our own reality is core to my understanding, since these are testable hypothesis' and theories.

Much more on this topic.

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