Monday, December 27, 2010

do we re-invent the past?

They say that when you remember something, recall it from the synapses of your brain, that what you are really recalling is not the memory at all, but the last time you recalled the memory. So, essentially, each time the memory is invoked, we are making a copy of the last copy.

If the memory is recalled enough, we are making copies of copies of copies.......

How does this change our perception of the past? Does it re-invent it? If the event is traumatic enough, carrying elements of emotion and strong visions, how badly does it get distorted?

If this is done so often, becoming an obsession, does the memory change us?

Why do we do this to ourselves? To assuage our guilt? To justify our position? To figure it out? To turn ourselves into the victim?

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