Saturday, December 11, 2010

Do be do be do

To be is to do- Socrates. To do is to be, Satre. (Do be do be do, Sinatra).

Do we create ourselves through action? Or does the action 'prove' we exist? Is the 'action' (do) the thing that creates our sense of self (be), or does our existence (be) allow for action (do)?

For those whose life is about action, the world is a stage on which to create an artificial sense of self, to enact dreams. I think, the self comes after this action. It's time bound. It takes reflection, and language to create the self. (And most neurotic behavior too).

I am a.......... (fill in the blank).

Me? I am a runner. I am a father. I am a programmer. But where are these things? They have no substance, no form. They exist only for daily existence, for conversation. How we label ourselves has no more substance that the idea of money. It's agreed upon. It's a set of arbitrary rules.

Who are you, and why? Does it change over time? As you age? And more importantly, are you sure you are who you say you are?

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