Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday Morning Questions

I created this blog on a Sunday morning, when all I usually have is questions, and very few answers. And even my answers can change on an hour by hour basis, which makes me question my understanding or TRUTH, but that is a another question. It's an exercise in futility, really. These questions have perplexed much smarter men than I over countless ages. But neurotically, I keep asking anyway. It's ironic that it occurs on Sunday mornings, the time when many people are off to 'worship' services of various types.

When I say Sunday Morning questions, I don't (always) mean questions of religion. Religion (of all types) seeks to be the answer for all our questions, when in fact it is the opposite of answers. It shuts off our questions not with viable answers, or even a "I don't know", but with promises based on 'faith'. (Empty promises, my opinion, that it cannot keep, and since it doesn't 'deliver' on promises until the afterlife, no one can cry foul).

By it's very nature, religion provides a false framework, a construct of reality based on language and time. It attempts to provide comfort, a release to the aches. To alleviate feelings of separation, and give feelings of a greater purpose. The community of a church (or almost any organization), tries to gives us a sense of purpose, of common ground with its fellow seekers. Lemmings, basically. Followers. Because we can't trust our own thoughts, our own understandings, Religion seeks to provide those for you.

So my Sunday Morning question is: What is Religion? Lets start with the dictionary:

"a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."

For the time being lets say the first part is unknowable, untestable, and relies completely on FAITH. That is this part: A set of beliefs.... creation of a superhuman agency...

Lets skip the rituals and observances. These are the human trappings of myth put into action. Not much to them, it's all form.

So to define the component of religion we can get our hands on:

Morality. Moral Code.

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